Monday, May 12, 2014

Final Essay

Emma Richman
RWS 200
April 27th, 2014

Educational Inequality

Educational inequality is greatly determined by social and economic status. The better social and economic status you have the more likely you are going to get a good education, and it seems to be the opposite for people with poor social and economic status. However, Paul Krugman author of “Confronting Inequality” sees social and political inequality as the largest reasons for our poor economy. Conversely, Charles Murray author of “The New American Divide” believes inequality in America comes from cultural inequality. Contrary to their ideas I see the major reason for economic inequality in America coming from issues within our education system. In this essay I will explain Krugman and Murray’s stances on inequality and then explain how my idea of inequality is most sound. To further support my argument, I will analyze an article written by George Farkas a professor at Penn State University titled “How Educational Inequality develops”. In addition I will look at “Inequality at the Starting Gate” by David T. Burkham. Lastly I will use the video Social Mobility in America by American Enterprise Institute to help my position qualify Krugman’s argument for inequality.
Krugman believes that Americans do not have equal opportunity due to social and political inequality. The less social support a family has, the less money they are able to spend on their children’s health, nutrition and overall well-being. Krugman makes it a point that our lack of universal health care puts children who come from a low-income family at a major disadvantage. And because children from low-income families are usually uninsured they are now more likely to have health issues that could affect decisions they make throughout the rest of their lives, decreasing their chances of rising in the economic latter. Not only does social inequality lead to poor healthcare for these children, but they are now missing opportunities to make connections, meet people and network with others. Conversely, children born into high-income families have access to healthcare and are exposed to opportunities at a young age that children from low-income families will never see. In addition to economic inequality creating social inequality, political inequality is another large factor leading to the corruption of our nation as well. Krugman believes that “rising inequality has to an important extent been caused by the rightward shift of our politics” (Krugman 593). The Republican party has been strongly benefiting from the wealthy getting wealthier. Ultimately the extreme political inequality our nation is seeing is stemming from poor income distribution. These large amounts of inequality “strain the bonds that hold us together as a society” and is leading people to believe that “growing inequality is behind our growing cynicism” (Krugman 593). Krugman’s solutions to social inequality and political inequality involve undoing many of the tax cuts for the wealthy that the conservatives have been strongly advocating for since 1980. Large amounts of revenue will be generated if the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy expire by 2010. Because social security seems very reliable now a days, universal healthcare should be something we strive to achieve. Krugman also see’s it wise to tax capital gain because it will “yield significantly more revenue and limit the range of tax abuses like the hedge fund loophole”. (Krugman 597). It may also be possible to reduce inequality through creating a newly empowered US union movement. Empowering the middle class and poor to rise economically and ultimately eliminating social and political inequality will result in a happier and more successful nation. 
Charles Murray sees cultural inequality as the main reason for the gap between the rich and poor. In the article “New American Divide” by Charles Murray, he states that “For most of our nation's history, whatever the inequality in wealth between the richest and poorest citizens, we maintained a cultural equality known nowhere else in the world—for whites, anyway.”(Murray 1). Murray believes that culture is the main reason for economic inequality in America due to people’s desires for different lifestyles. According to Murray, marriage, single parenthood, industriousness, crime, and religiosity are all major factors playing into cultural inequality. In 1960, 94% of upper class workers with at least a bachelor’s degree were married while only 84% of the lower class with no degree were married. However in 2010 only 48% of the lower class were married while the upper class dropped to only 83%. On top of low marriage rates now a days, nonmarital births are becoming extremely prevalent and highly problematic in our society. When it comes to industriousness Murray believes “the primary indicator of the erosion of industriousness in the working class is the increase of prime-age males with no more than a high school education who say they are not available for work” (Murray 2). Traditionally American men were always either looking for work or working. However present day one out of eight are not doing either of these. As the years progressed the crime rates within the upper class seemed to stay the same while crime rates within the lower class increased greatly. Lastly when Murray discusses how religiosity plays a role in cultural inequality he says “whatever your personal religious views are- religious Americans account for much more nonreligious social capital than their secular neighbors” (Murray 2). Our nation as a whole has become more and more secular since 1960, especially the lower income citizens which greatly affects the culture of our nation. The major differences in these categories are what’s putting the wealthy and the poor into different cultures.  Lastly, Murray does believe that there is a difference of quality of education within the classes. He explains how the upper class obtains their wealth through advanced education from the elite universities while the lower class is experiencing economic issues because of “withdrawal from America’s core cultural institutions” (Murray 1). Although educational inequality is mentioned in Murrays piece, it is very evident that he does not see this as the main reason for economic inequality.
Unlike Krugman and Murray, I believe the main reason for income inequality in America has to do primarily with education. Not only does education provide knowledge but it leads to the progression of ones career, character building, and ultimately the success of a nation. Whether people want to believe it or not the enrichment of our society relies greatly on a strong education. Education gives us the fundamentals we need in order to specialize in certain fields of interest. The more specialists and professionals America sees the more economic equality that will be generated. George Farkas, a professor at Penn State University wrote a piece titled “How Educational Inequality Develops” where he discusses the stages of education beginning with pre-school all the way to PHD’s. According to Farkas, “the credentials of schooling completed and degrees attained, as well as the skills and capabilities associated with these credentials - is an important determinant of socioeconomic success”. Income differentials within races also play a large roll in the quality of education one receives. Farkas believes that in general “families with higher social status (measured by education, income, and occupation) and those embedded in stronger networks of social relationships have more resources available” while on the contrary families with lower social status and weaker networks and relationships have less resources available to them and are less likely to have a stronger education. If the government can increase educational funding to public schools, the quality of education will increase. The more money we generate towards schools educating the middle and lower class, the stronger education those children will see. It has been proven that the better quality education one receives the more likely they will be successful later in life. By providing under privileged kids with a strong educational foundation at a young age, the more opportunity they will see throughout their life. The right to a good education for all citizens no matter their economic status should be a goal our nation is dedicated to achieving. It is inevitable that our economy will flourish with an increased number of college graduates. The skill level of America’s labor force will positively benefit from an increased rate in higher education. The more education one receives, the greater their skills will become, and ultimately the better certain local economies will be doing because the quality of their production will increase leading to higher rates of profitability.
David T. Burkham author of “Inequality at the Starting Gate” discusses how lower income citizens have access to schools with fewer resources causing a poor education while higher income citizens have access to schools with plentiful resources leading to a bright future and solid education.  Schools with little access to good resources leads them to “ face greater difficulties attracting qualified teachers, face many more challenges in addressing student’s needs, and receive less support from parents.” (Burkham). Burkham explains how socioeconomic status is strongly related to children’s cognitive skills. The quality of a school is determined by more school resources, more qualified teachers, better neighborhood or school conditions and lastly student achievement. All of these factors derive from a higher income society. Children with lower incomes generally start school in a lower quality elementary school compared to higher income children attending more elite elementary schools. Burkham believes a solution to educational inequality might be “reducing the inequality of school resources- would aid in reducing the inequality that children and schools face at the starting gate”. I believe the solution to this is straightforward and simple. Supply these lower income regions with the resources they need to run successful schools. The problem with educational inequality begins with children’s pre-education. A solution to this would be to invest in the middle and lower classes early educational years. By exposing children to higher levels and quality of education at a young age, this will increase their motivation to continue higher levels of education as the year’s progress.  
The video Social Mobility in America by American Enterprise Institute helps my position on inequality to qualify Krugman’s argument. According to the video “economic mobility is highly correlated with residential segregation, education, labor market opportunities, and family structure”. Krugman believes that social inequality is one of the main reasons for economic inequality. Low- income citizens experience less opportunity due to their poor social status. Social Mobility in America states that “high school drop out rates are also highly correlated with low upward mobility” and that improving bad neighborhoods will help economic inequality. Social inequality is also correlated to low upward mobility. If low-income neighborhoods have the chance to attend better schools than this can counteract with neighborhood disadvantages.
There have also been multiple issues with public schools experiencing major defunding. This defunding results in the loss of art programs, music programs and even Spanish in K-8 due to lack of government support. Higher income families fortunately do not see much of this in the schools their children are attending however many middle class and poor citizens are experiencing the government defunding important programs. In conclusion, although cultural inequality and public policy play a large roll in inequality in America I see the main problem to be our education. If we can increase the quality of education the middle class and the poor are receiving, our nation as a whole will become so much better off. To do this we need to focus on the middle class and make sure kids are seeing good education starting at a young age. The younger our nation targets children and teaches them the importance of education, the brighter future we have.

Sources Cited

"Inequality at the starting gate: Social background differences in achievement as children
begin school." Economic Policy Institute. Web. 12 May 2014

"Social Mobility in America: Still the Land of Opportunity?" YouTube. YouTube, 19
Mar. 2014. Web. 13 May 2014.

Krugman, Paul. Conscience of a Liberal. 2007. 586-603. Web.

Murray, Charles “The New American Divide” Web. 

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