Monday, February 3, 2014

Veiled Threats- Nussbaum

Claims and Summary

There has been proposed bans on the burqa in many different areas of the world. People see the burqa as a threat to security. Security requires people to show their faces when appearing in public places and burqas restrict this from happening. Another argument that was brought up is that transparency between citizens is impeded when people wear burqas. Nussbaum retaliates this argument by explaining how these reasons are completely ignored in the winter time when people walk around, say, New York City bundled head to toe in clothing. Is security and transparency considered then? The answer is no. Another argument that is the burqa is a symbol of male domination which objectifies women. Nussbaum then argues that women in America who get lipsuction, tummy tucks, or breast implants are doing so in order to conform to the males norm of female beauty. Isn't this objectification also? Nussbaum's main argument is that people have a misconception of the burqa and when looked at close enough there are many ironies to the reasons behind banning burqas.

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